Conferences & Workshops

October 24-27, 2024

The University of Chicago Divinity School
Chicago, Illinois, USA

“Imagination and Metaphor: Paul Ricoeur at Chicago, 50th Anniversary”

Keynote Speakers (confirmed):

William Schweiker (University of Chicago)
Annemie Halsema (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Plenary Speakers (confirmed):

George H. Taylor (Pittsburgh University)
Jean-Luc Amalric (EHESS/CRAL, Paris)
Hans Joas (Humboldt University, Berlin; University of Chicago)

Conference Program Schedule

(FINAL – updated 10-20-2024)

Full program: MS Word | PDF

Live stream and Hybrid Sessions: Website with Zoom Links

Abstracts: To be posted (Google Drive folder)

Conference overview

For original conference description, see CALL FOR PAPERS:

7th Edition of the Fonds Ricoeur’s Summer Workshops

The call for proposals for the 7th Edition of the Fonds Ricoeur’s Summer Workshops on Memory, History, Forgetting co-organized this year with the CRAL (EHESS), the Society for Ricoeur Studies and the Dublin City University is now online.
Workshops will be held from June 24 to 28th, 2024 in Dublin.

Call for Proposals at:

17th Annual Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference

“Ricoeur in Practice”

October 12-14, 2023

Institute for Christian Studies
59 St. George Street,
Toronto, Ontario

Program Schedule

2023 Conference Website

Poster (pdf)

2023 Conference Poster


OCTOBER 20-22, 2022


Venue: Los Angeles

California State University, Dominguez Hills

Theme: Capability, Fragility, and Joy


Brian Treanor (Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles)

Christina Gschwandtner (Fordham University, New York City)



2022 Fonds Ricoeurs Summer Workshop

• Defining hermeneutical phenomenology: Time and Narrative as an explanation
• Temporal experience in Time and Narrative 1 and 3: modalities of temporality from Aristotle to St. Augustine and from Kant to Husserl and Heidegger
• The theme of history in Time and Narrative 1 and 3 (and beyond): Ricœur’s epistemology of history and its reception
• Narrative and time in the maintenance of a Coherent Self, or The selfsame self and its narrative-temporal structures
• Ricœur’s theory of reading as an articulation of the rhetoric of reading, the phenomenology of reading, and the aesthetics of reception
• For what does Time and Narrative as a whole need its volume 2?
• Reconfiguration and Religion: Hermeneutizing the Uninterpretable

The Society for Ricœur Studies and The Fonds Ricœur have released a call for abstracts on the seven following topics (French only):
• La métaphore vive et Temps et Récit, deux ouvrages et une conception
• La cellule mélodique de Temps et récit I et son effectuation dans la trilogie :  la triple mimèsis
• Débats avec la sémiotique et l’analyse littéraire
• Le Récit de fiction : « L’entrecroisement de la fiction et de l’histoire »
• La profondeur de l’expérience temporelle et les variations imaginatives à travers Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann et Marcel Proust
• Qu’est-ce qu’une poétique du récit ?
• Renoncer à Hegel : histoire et aboutissement d’un thème fondateur

Please submit your abstracts (600- 1000 words) and your detailed bibliography by March 31, 2022 to
Notification of acceptance will be sent out prior to April 15, 2022.

Important: Submissions can be provided in French or English – depending on the chosen subject area of investigation. Themes noted below in English will consider paper submissions in English only. Similarly, thematic areas noted in French will accept paper submissions in French only.


Le Fonds Ricœur et la Society for Ricœur Studies  font appel aux propositions pour les sept thèmes suivants:

• La métaphore vive et Temps et Récit, deux ouvrages et une conception
• La cellule mélodique de Temps et récit I et son effectuation dans la trilogie :  la triple mimèsis
• Débats avec la sémiotique et l’analyse littéraire
• Le Récit de fiction : « L’entrecroisement de la fiction et de l’histoire »
• La profondeur de l’expérience temporelle et les variations imaginatives à travers Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann et Marcel Proust
• Qu’est-ce qu’une poétique du récit ?
• Renoncer à Hegel : histoire et aboutissement d’un thème fondateur

Le Fonds Ricœur et la Society for Ricœur Studies  font appel aux propositions pour les sept thèmes suivants (anglais uniquement):

• Defining hermeneutical phenomenology: Time and Narrative as an explanation

• Temporal experience in Time and Narrative 1 and 3: modalities of temporality from Aristotle to St. Augustine and from Kant to Husserl and Heidegger

• The theme of history in Time and Narrative 1 and 3 (and beyond): Ricœur’s epistemology of history and its reception

• Narrative and time in the maintenance of a Coherent Self, or, The selfsame self and its narrative-temporal structures

• Ricœur’s theory of reading as an articulation of the rhetoric of reading, the phenomenology of reading, and the aesthetics of reception

• For what does Time and Narrative as a whole need its volume 2?

• Reconfiguration and Religion: Hermeneutizing the Uninterpretable

Instructions : Envoi des propositions (600- 1000 mots) et de votre bibliographie détaillée avant le 31 mars 2022 à
Vous recevrez une réponse avant le 15 avril 2022.

Important : Les propositions devront être faites en anglais ou en français en fonction de la langue du thème choisi. Pour les thèmes mentionnés en anglais, votre proposition de résumé doit être rédigée impérativement en anglais. Pour les thèmes mentionnés en français, votre proposition de résumé doit être rédigée impérativement en français.


“Paul Ricoeur on Collective Identities” 

University of Trier

Nov. 15-17, 2022

The official website is now available at:

The conference will take place online via Zoom. The website will provide information about the link to the Zoom-channel for the conference. You will need a password for the presentations and Zoom link. To gain access, please send an email to in which you state your name and research interest. With the password, you will have access to presentation abstracts, PowerPoints and full texts of the participant’s lectures


Hermeneutics in Real Life

Ongoing Series, 2021/22/23

Registration link



KU LEUVEN ONLINE CONFERENCE Ricœur 2020 – Ricœur as World Heritage (November 19-21)

2020 Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference, October 6-10, “Politics, Religion and Cultural Hermeneutics,” ONLINE PROGRAM 

“Digital Poetics: Between Phronesis and Poiesis in the Digital World

Webinar by Fernando Nascimento (Bowdoin College, Maine, USA)

Friday, January 29, 2021 (4 pm Prague time CET). Please find webinar description and registration information below.

The online and free webinar event is sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Research Lab for Bioethics – IRLaB, headed by Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Vice President of the Society for Ricoeur Studies. The Interdisciplinary Research Lab for Bioethics is at the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy in Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Prague.

In this seminar Fernando Nascimento (Bowdoin College, Maine, USA) will discuss three aspects of practical wisdom that emerge from the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur’s ethical proposal, and apply them to current issues related to new applications for mobile devices that are designed to monitor the contacts of users infected with COVID-19 in ways that are possible. In a broader perspective, such an analysis should shed light on the potential of Ricoeur’s practical philosophy to contribute to urgent issues generated by the extremely rapid advances in digital technologies. We propose that it is necessary to review the conceptual dichotomy between phronesis and poiesis in the context of new digital technologies so that ethical considerations about the ways in which new technologies affect people and society are properly considered not only in the sphere of the use of technologies, but also in regulation of such technologies and mainly in the design of new digital artifacts and architectures.

Online description:

FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2021 at 4 pm Prague Time (CET)
10 AM EST – 11:30 AM EST
Webinar: Fernando Nascimento on Digital Poetics: Between Phronesis and Poiesis in the Digital World
Free Registration: Contact to gain access.
Event Poster

•2019 Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference, October 10-12, “Imagination and Hermeneutics,” McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, PROGRAM

SRS Programme SRS 2018

2017 SRS Boston Conference

2016 SRS Chicago Programme

2016 SRS Chicago Panel Abstracts

2016 SRS Chicago Conference Abstracts

2016 SRS Chicago Conference: New Scholars and Graduate Students Roundtable

Here is the final 2015 SRS Conference Program.

Here are the 2015 SRS Conference paper abstracts.

•SOCIETY FOR RICOEUR STUDIES 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE:  This year’s conference (Oct. 9-11) was held in Atlanta, Georgia  with the conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), which ran October 8-10, 2015. The SRS keynote speaker for 2015 was David Carr, Professor Emeritus, Emory University. The theme of this year’s conference is “Theory and Practice in Ricoeur’s Work,” addressing the relation of theory and practice in Ricoeur’s work or the practical implications of Ricoeur’s philosophy in fields including but not limited to architecture, art practice, counselling, jurisprudence, medicine, nursing, and psychiatry.

Paul Ricoeur in Asia 2015 Conference

2015 Ricoeur Conference in Krakow

IV Ibero-American Congress on Paul Ricoeur August 2015

Paul Ricoeur, Hermeneutics, and Asia (Taipei, 2014) [Here is there Conference link]

SRS 2013 Conference Program & Schedule, Eugene, Oregon

The Ricoeur Centenary (1913-2013)A Congress organized by the Fonds Ricoeur in collaboration with the Society for Ricoeur Studies, the Asociacion Iberoamericana de Estuios sobre Paul Ricoeur, and the University of Marbourg (RFA), November 18-20, 2013

• SRS 2012 Conference Program (FINAL)

SRS 2012 paper abstracts

SRS 2012 SPEP session

•SRS 2011, Conference Schedule (Program)

•International Conference on Ricoeur Studies – Moscow 2011

•Latin American Conference on Paul Ricoeur – Brazil 2011

•March 2011 conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities (ASLCH)

•Ricoeur Conference, Brazil, November 2011

2nd International Workshop on “Philosophy-Sign-Narrative”

Latin American Ricoeur Conference

Lisbon Ricoeur Conference Program, 2010

Lisbon Ricoeur Conference Parallel Sessions, 2010

Responsible Hermeneutics – Hermeneutics of Responsibility,” International Conference at Aarhus University, June 3-4, 2010

The International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture (ISRLC) held its 2010 Biennial Conference at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, 23-26 Sept. 2010.  The theme was ‘Attending to the Other: Critical Theory and Spiritual Practice.’

•Society for Ricoeur Studies Graduate Student Award for 2009 was Christopher Yates, “Refiguring the Essential Word: The Work of the Imagination in Ricoeur’s Late Apprenticeship.”  Congratulations, Christopher!

SPEP 2010 Ricoeur Session, Thursday, November 4, 2010, 9-12am. Title: “Ricoeur in Dialogue.”

Moderator: Dan Stiver, Hardin-Simmons University; Panelists: Cristina
Bucur, Marquette University, “To Think, to Love, to Suffer: Ricoeur and
Nussbaum on Recognizing Self,”
Drew Desai, University of Ottawa, “The Will to Will Together: Arendt
and Ricoeur in Dialogue,” Nathan Dickman, Coe College, “Between Gadamer
and Ricoeur: Preserving Dialogue in the Hermeneutical Arc,” Gregory
Johnson, Pacific Lutheran University, “Ricoeur, Žižek and the
Possibility of ‘Applied’ Ethics,” David Leichter, Marquette University,
“The Crisis of History: Ricoeur’s Interpretation of Death in Memory,
History, Forgetting.”

Society for Ricoeur Studies 2009 Conference SURVEY RESULTS

Society for Ricoeur Studies 2009 Conference Schedule

Society for Ricoeur Studies 2008 Conference program

Society for Ricoeur Studies 2007 (Inaugural) Conference program